Instead of upgrading I decided to start a fresh new server.
I used the CentOS 6 AMI from
For some reason I did not notice that they also provide an EBS based AMI, so I went the hard way - started with an instance-store AMI and converted it to EBS stored one.
I largely followed this guide:
I used this script (which is a slightly modified version from to create the snapshot from the instance-store:
#!/bin/bash # Run this script on the instance to be bundled EBS_DEVICE=${1:-'/dev/xvda1'} IMAGE_DIR=${2:-'/mnt/tmp'} EBS_MOUNT_POINT=${3:-'/mnt/ebs'} mkdir -p $EBS_MOUNT_POINT mkfs.ext3 ${EBS_DEVICE} mount ${EBS_DEVICE} $EBS_MOUNT_POINT # make a local working copy mkdir -p $IMAGE_DIR rsync --stats -av --exclude='/root/.bash_history' --exclude='/home/*/.bash_history' --exclude='/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*' --exclude='/etc/ssh/moduli' --exclude='/etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules' --exclude='/var/lib/ec2/*' --exclude='/mnt/*' --exclude='/proc/*' --exclude='/tmp/*' / $IMAGE_DIR #clear out log files cd $IMAGE_DIR/var/log for i in `ls ./**/*`; do echo $i && echo -n> $i done cd $IMAGE_DIR tar -cSf - -C ./ . | tar xvf - -C $EBS_MOUNT_POINT #NOTE, You could rsync / directly to EBS_MOUNT_POINT, but this tar trickery saves some space in the snapshot umount $EBS_MOUNT_POINTGet the kernel id info about the running instance
ec2-describe-images $INSTANCE_STORE_AMIRegister the newly created snapshot
ec2-register --snapshot $SNAPID --kernel $KERNEL --description "NEW OS" --name "new-os-i386-yyyymmdd" --architecture i386 --block-device-mapping /dev/sda2=ephemeral0 --root-device-name /dev/sda1Once the snapshot is registered and the new AMI is created, launch it. Make sure to launch it in the same availability zone as the main EBS volumes that we will attach later
Get the connection settings from AWS console, login into the new instance and run
yum update yum install yum-priorities httpd php mysql mysql-server php-cli php-gd php-mbstring php-pdo php-pecl-fileinfo php-mysql php-imap php-ldap php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc mod_ssl ImageMagick elinks emacs fetchmail mod_python netpbm netpbm-progs nmap ntp strace webalizer rdiff-backup trac gcc gcc-c++ bzr rpm -Uvh wget cd /usr/local/ec2 unzip /root/ ln -s ec2-api-tools-* apitools pear install HTML_QuickForm pear install Mail pear install Net_SMTP chkconfig rightscale off chkconfig iptables off chkconfig netfs off chkconfig mcstrans off chkconfig httpd on chkconfig mysqld on chkconfig ntpd on # edit /etc/logrotate.d/httpd and add /var/www/logs/*log export MYUSER=oldusername export GID=oldgroupid export UID=olduserid groupadd -g $GID $MYUSER useradd -g apache -G $MYUSER -u $UID $MYUSER passwd $MYUSER passwd #copy crontab for $MYUSER from old system mkdir /voledit /etc/fstab and add
/dev/vg1/lv1 /vol ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0 /vol/home /home none bind 0 0 /vol/etc/httpd /etc/httpd none bind 0 0 /vol/etc/pki /etc/pki none bind 0 0 /vol/var/www /var/www none bind 0 0 /vol/var/trac /var/trac none bind 0 0 /vol/var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql none bind 0 0On the old instance stop the services and unmount the filesystems. Then disable LVM
/etc/init.d/httpd stop /etc/init.d/mysqld stop umount /home/jail/var/lib/mysql umount /vol/var/lib/mysql umount /vol/var/www umount /vol/var/trac umount /vol/etc/pki umount /vol/etc/httpd umount /vol/home umount /vol vgchange -a nFrom AWS Console detach the EBS volumes from the old instance and attach them to the instance.
Then on the new instance run:
pvscan pvdisplay vgscan vgdisplay vgchange -a y lvscan mount /vol mount /home mount /etc/httpd mount /etc/pki mount /var/www mount /var/trac mkdir /var/trac mount /var/trac mount /var/lib/mysql /etc/init.d/ntpd start /etc/init.d/mysqld start /etc/init.d/httpd startCheck where is located. I had to edit /etc/sysconfig/httpd and set
PIDFILE=/var/run/httpd.pidEdit /etc/php.ini and set the timezone to avoid php 5.3 warnings:
date.timezone = America/New_YorkEdit /etc/sysconfig/network and set the HOSTNAME (e.g. Also set on the shell, for example:
hostname exampleFrom AWS Console, associate the reserved IP with the new instance